Without Giving Up Your Favorite Foods, Doing Unnecessary Cardio, Or Starving Yourself




Without Giving Up Your Favorite Foods, Doing Unnecessary Cardio, Or Starving Yourself

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To Discover The Step-By-Step Blueprint To STOP Yo-Yo dieting, Finally Lose The Weight, AND Keep It Off  

(Valued at $ 500 )

Your Results Are 100% Guaranteed.

My name is Clif Brooks. I’ve been a Personal Trainer and Coach for the last 24 years. I have helped 1000s of busy professional parents lose 10's of thousands of pounds.

My dad died from a stroke when he was only 56 years old. Watching him sign a DNR a Do Not Resuscitate order, while having a ventilator tube in his mouth.

His death 3 days later was the catalyst for me going into health fitness full time.

My whole life‘s mission is to keep families together. To keep dad‘s and mom‘s coming home to their kids every night, and live a long life so they can make memories with their families.

So your children’s story, never ends up being like my story.

How am I different from other trainers and coaches?

We use gut, health tests, food, sensitivity, test, bloodwork, hormone panels, and DNA profiling to give you a completely customized blueprint that fits your body, lifestyle, goals, and needs.

Over the past 24 years I have dedicated my life to keeping families together by helping them break generational curses when it comes to their health.

We blend personal training and functional medicine to get you the best results in the shortest amount of time.

I turn busy parents who think they don’t have enough time to workout and eat healthy into superhero parents who set the standard and are the example of fitness and health for their kids.

I teach men and women how to completely transform their bodies while feeling better, looking younger, living longer, and ALL of my clients tell me they also have a much more fun and fulfilling sex life!  

Imagine the power you hold within you.

It's time to Unlock Your

Limitless Potential.

🔑 Here are your five keys to unlocking success: Family, Fitness, Faith, Focus, and Finance.

Sure, we're talking about Fitness today - and for good reason. It's not just my passion; it's the cornerstone of my health coaching empire, Limitless Unlock Your Potential. We're on a mission to empower high performers, top-tier achievers, and visionary leaders like you to elevate their health and performance. This is my battlefield, and I'm here to arm you with knowledge.

🔑 Family

Do you have a support system? Who's in your inner circle? It's all about cultivating those bonds, fueling them to reach peak potential. Your family could be blood relatives, or they might be friends who've turned into family. The people you value, the ones who have your back. Your vibe attracts your tribe!

🔑 Fitness

This, my friend, is the foundation of it all. Without health, self-confidence, and mental clarity, can you truly be at the top of your game? If you don't bring your best self to your life, business, and relationships... what are you doing? You can't claim success if you're not functioning at your peak. How can you level up if you're not the best version of you?

🔑 Faith

Do you believe in yourself, that you can reach your health and fitness goals? Dig into that inner core of yours. Your mindset, your emotions, your beliefs, your unwavering self-confidence. That's what we're talking about. Your tether to something bigger, something more profound. What are your convictions? Are they unshakable?

🔑 Focus

Somewhere in your life you are not S.O.B.E.R. How attuned are you to your life?Do you find refuge in distractions like booze, drugs, social media, video games, or Reality TV when things get hard? We all have our chosen escapes when the going gets tough.

🔑 Finance

Your next financial breakthrough is just one fitness goal away. You see the business plan doesn't work until you build the businessman or woman from the inside out. The discipline you create getting your body and mind into shape will spill over into every other aspect of your life.

It's time to Unlock Your Limitless Potential.

Let's begin the journey of transformation together!

We get you the fastest results in health in the least amount of time.

At Limitless, we specialize in working with high-performing professionals just like you, who value their energy and mental prowess just as much as their physical appearance.

You have KPIs for your business to make sure you are profitable.

We give you KPIs for your body to make sure your health is optimized.

We Are Not Just A Personal Training Program We Are Backed By Scientific Data

Through cutting-edge testing, such as gut health assessments and hormone profiling, we empower you with that knowledge, accelerating your journey to peak health and performance. Getting lab work done regularly is one of the best ways to stay proactive about your health. The results of the testing can warn you of potential health risks so you can live a healthy life for the rest of your life.

We Help You To Maximize Your Personal Performance By Resolving Gut Health Issues

Do you suffer from brain fog, joint pain, skin issues, are you constantly bloated, or have digestive issues. Most people aren't aware that the foods they are eating are causing them to have gastric distress and inflammation. Understanding your gut and how it affects your health is the key to unlocking your health. You can maximize your brain's performance and optimize your health simply by understanding and feeding your gut what it truly needs to increase your energy and cognitive functioning.

We Don't Give You A Program We Design You A Limitless Identity

Have you ever done a health and fitness program and counted down the days until it was over so you could have a hot slice of pizza and a cold beer? The next thing you knew you had gained back all the weight you lost, plus more. This is because you have yet to create a new identity of a fit, strong, and healthy human.

The starting point for lasting physical change, a tool you can train to build your healthier future is your mind. If you don't master your mind, you won't be able to master your body. Your beliefs and daily practices shape your reality. Remember, your mind holds the power to inspire motivation, discipline, and accountability. All skills that can be honed with daily practice.

Visualize your mind as the starting point for lasting physical change, a tool you can train to build your healthier future.

What if we told you that the ultimate outcome of our program isn't just about losing weight or gaining muscle but feeling good on a fundamental level? The more at ease you feel in your body, the more weight you'll shed, the more muscle you'll sculpt.

We understand that the journey to health isn't solely about the physical transformation but how it makes you feel – vibrant, confident, and powerful.

I named my company Limitless and let me explain why.

We believe in the limitless potential of our clients. By starting with the body, we set off a ripple effect.

A strong body creates a resilient mind. A resilient mind yields balanced emotions.

And balanced emotions enable you to leave a legacy that you can be proud of.

So, with Limitless, we start by addressing your physical wellness.

How do you feel? How do you look? How much energy do you have?

We understand that everything else springs from this vital foundation.

Are you ready to unlock your Limitless potential?

Your journey to a healthier, more vibrant, and more successful version of yourself begins now.

Reserve Your FREE Fitness Transformation Session

To Discover The Step-By-Step Blueprint To STOP Yo-Yo dieting, Finally Lose The Weight, AND Keep It Off  (Valued at $ 500 )

Your Results Are 100% Guaranteed.

Real People, Real Results

Reserve Your FREE Fitness Transformation Session

To Discover The Step-By-Step Blueprint To STOP Yo-Yo dieting, Finally Lose The Weight, AND Keep It Off  (Valued at $ 500 )

Your Results Are 100% Guaranteed.

I built good habits, cut out negative self-sabotage, stopped drinking, lost 45 pounds, and lost 5 inches off my waist. I went from a sales position and was promoted to sales manager, and was fast-tracked to become the VP of sales in a new department created specifically for me from implementing what you taught me on structuring my life for maximum results. 

My wife has seen the shift in my attitude, and we have more positivity and gratitude in our marriage. The biggest thing I learned from you is Consistency is key, it is the most important thing to focus on. Your daily activities are what moves you forward or set you back.

I can remember looking in the mirror and not recognizing the girl who was looking back at me. As I stepped on the scale, I realized I had skyrocketed to the heaviest I had ever been (184!) and didn’t know what to do. I had done whole 30s and tried to make good decisions only to spiral after 30 days of hard work.  I turned to my good friend Clif Brooks for help. I knew he could TEACH me how to eat again . I buckled down with meal plans and set workouts and found that with every new muscle I saw or every pound down I had more motivation to keep going. I couldn’t thank him enough for sticking with me even past the mark of his program.  It has taught me not only so much about how to live a normal life with food & fitness, but also so much about myself! Today I am not only down 35+ pounds, but 21+ inches . I am the happiest I have been in YEARS and when I look in the mirror, I can’t help but say dayummmmmm to the girl I see in the mirror.

Josh Barr lost 24 pounds, total of 27 inches lost with 4.5 inches off his waist. He is the owner and CEO of a government contracting firm. Josh was extremely sick from bacterial pneumonia on one of his many trips and wanted to get healthy after he and his family thought he was going to die. We helped him to change his mindset and stop making himself lavish unhealthy meals and drinking a bottle of wine a night during Covid. Josh changed his mindset and was able to regain his focus and concentration that allows him to get four times as much done in the same amount of time. He was able to change his body so much, he needed to have his entire wardrobe tailored so he wasn’t “swimming in his clothes.” Josh learned that “limits are meant to be pushed and pushed until you find they don’t exist.”

Sarah Hogue is a wife and mom of 2 as well as the award winning business owner in the beauty industry. She owns Lavish Studios where she is a one stop shop for hair, skin, eyelash, and lots of other services. Over the course of the time we worked together she has lost 17 pounds and 14 total inches. The one thing she needed the most was accountability. With living such a busy life sometimes things fall through the cracks. The biggest take away Sarah had from working with me was learning to say "NO." That NO is a complete sentence. Establishing firm boundaries she was able to mend and grow existing relationships. 

I have known Clif for over a decade. A little over a year ago I was I was overweight unhappy and depressed. I made a change, the change was reaching out to Clif Brooks. The key is mindset. Put your health and wellness above all else and everything else will improve also. He kept me motivated and in the gym where I belonged, he held me accountable. For anyone wondering what it looks like to completely change your physique in a year and for anyone wondering if it’s possible for me I want you to know it absolutely is . This experience has put me in the position I am today, I set a goal and worked my ass off for it and I got more than I could have ever imagined out of it. 

Stacey Larkin's life unexpectedly change during Covid. She lost her job, couldn't do her workouts which were her stress relief because her gym closed down. She felt lost! Stacey would equate her self-worth in her job and her physical fitness. Through Limitless a whole new world was opened up to her. She found new ways to tap into her body, to her diet. How she analyzes life. Limitless pushed her into a new phase of her life, where she has a new career in pediatric dentistry that is extremely rewarding working with children. Most importantly she is now financially secure! 

DJ Suan lost 31 pounds and 26 inches: “Clif Brooks is an outstanding coach, mentor, and a fantastic teacher. He has helped me grow and excel in so many areas of my life. Physically, he has not only motivated me to be in excellent physical shape but taught me how to understand nutrition and exercise and how it affects the body.

Didn't have much weight to lose but wanted to improve her physical health, and mental performance her family were already close but with her kids going off to college she wanted to deepen those relationships before they left. During our time working together, she did just that. She lost 10 pounds and 7 inches which she said was "pretty darn good!"

Reserve Your FREE Fitness Transformation Session

To Discover The Step-By-Step Blueprint To STOP Yo-Yo dieting, Finally Lose The Weight, AND Keep It Off  (Valued at $ 500 )

Your Results Are 100% Guaranteed.

“You hire expertise to be experts in what they are great in, you guys are great at what you do” Josh Barr lost 24 pounds and 4 1/2 inches off his waist. He is the owner of a government contracting firm. Josh was extremely sick from bacterial pneumonia on one of his many trips and wanted to get healthy after his family thought he was going to die. We helped him to change his mindset and stop making himself lavish unhealthy meals and drinking a bottle of wine a night during Covid. Josh changed his mindset and his body so much, he needed to have his entire wardrobe tailored so he wasn’t “swimming in his clothes.” Josh learned that “limits are meant to be pushed and pushed until you find they don’t exist.”

"When I found Limitless I was not in a good place, I had just lost my job with a big company, it was a big opportunity for me." Stacey Larkin's life unexpectedly change during Covid. She lost her job, couldn't do her workouts which were her stress relief because her gym closed down. She felt lost! Stacey would equate her self-worth in her job and her physical fitness. Through Limitless a whole new world was opened up to her. She found new ways to tap into her body, to her diet. How she analyzes life. Limitless pushed her into a new phase of her life, where she has a new career in pediatric dentistry that is extremely rewarding working with children. Most importantly she is now financially secure! 

“Built good habits and cut out negative self-sabotage and implemented the strategies you taught me and got promoted.” Sam Yeomans stopped drinking, lost 45 lbs, and lost 5 inches off his waist. He went from a sales position and was promoted to sales manager. He is now being fast-tracked to become the VP of sales in a new department created for him from implementing what we taught him on structuring his life for maximum results. His wife has seen the shift in his attitude, and they have more positivity and gratitude in their marriage. The biggest thing Sam said he learned from us is “Consistency is key, it is the most important thing to focus on. Your daily activities are moves you forward or set you back ”

"I went from being an employee managing a salon at a resort, to owning my own salon with stylists on a waiting list to work for me." Sarah Hogue is a wife and mom of 2 as well as the award winning business owner in the beauty industry. She owns Lavish Studios where she is a one stop shop for hair, skin, eyelash, and lots of other services. Over the course of the time we worked together she has lost 17 pounds and 14 total inches. The one thing she needed the most was accountability. With living such a busy life sometimes things fall through the cracks. The biggest take away Sarah had from working with me was learning to say "NO." That NO is a complete sentence. Establishing firm boundaries she was able to mend and grow existing relationships. 

Reserve Your FREE Fitness Transformation Session

To Discover The Step-By-Step Blueprint To STOP Yo-Yo dieting, Finally Lose The Weight, AND Keep It Off  (Valued at $ 500 )

Your Results Are 100% Guaranteed.